EGF - Day 7

Day 7

Encountering God through Suffering

"Elisha replied to her, 'How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?' 'Your servant has nothing there at all,' she said, 'except a small jar of olive oil.'" - 2 Kings 4:2
In this poignant scene from 2 Kings, we meet a widow in desperate circumstances. Her husband, who had been one of the company of prophets, has died. She now faces creditors who threaten to take her two sons as slaves to satisfy her debts. Her suffering is immense—grief over losing her husband, anxiety about losing her children, and the shame of insurmountable debt.

It is precisely in this moment of profound suffering that she encounters God through the prophet Elisha. When everything seems lost, Elisha asks a question that will lead to a divine encounter: "What do you have in your house?"

Her answer reveals the depth of her poverty: "Nothing... except a small jar of olive oil." From a human perspective, this small jar was insignificant—barely worth mentioning. Yet in God's economy, this "nothing" becomes the very means through which God reveals Himself.

 Suffering often strips us down to our "nothing but a small jar" reality. It removes the illusions of self-sufficiency and control that prosperity can foster. When health fails, relationships fracture, financial security crumbles, or dreams die, we come face to face with our limitations and vulnerability. Yet paradoxically, these moments of emptiness create space for divine encounter.

Through Elisha's instructions, the widow experiences God's miraculous provision as her small jar produces enough oil to fill every container she could borrow—enough to pay her debts and provide for her family's future. Her suffering became the doorway to experiencing God's compassion, power, and provision in ways she might never have known otherwise.

This story mirrors countless testimonies throughout Scripture and church history of those who have encountered God most profoundly not despite their suffering, but through it. Paul encountered Christ's strength in his weakness. Countless martyrs reported sensing God's presence most tangibly in their darkest hours.

Suffering, while never good in itself, can become sacred ground for divine encounter when we bring our "nothing... except" to God. Whatever remains in your house—whether it's just a small jar of faith, a tiny measure of hope, or the barest thread of strength—God can use it as the starting point for miraculous provision.  
How This Story Shows We Encounter God Through Suffering:

1. Desperation drives us to God. The widow had nowhere else to turn, and in her suffering, she called out to the Lord.

2. God meets us where we are. Instead of giving her something new, God used what she already had—her small jar of oil—to bring about the miracle.
3. Obedience brings blessing. She had to take a step of faith and start pouring before she saw God’s provision.
4. God’s provision is more than enough. He didn’t just cancel her debt—He provided for her future.
Reflection Questions:
• What suffering in your life has created space for encountering God in new ways?
• What is your "nothing... except" that God might be asking you to surrender to Him?
• How might your current struggles be preparing you for a deeper encounter with God's character and provision?

Merciful Father, in my seasons of suffering, help me to see beyond the pain to the possibility of encountering You. When I feel empty and depleted, remind me that even my "small jar of oil"—my limited resources, strength, and faith—can become enough when placed in Your hands. Give me the courage to honestly answer when You ask, "What do you have?" and the faith to follow Your instructions even when they seem insufficient for my needs. Transform my suffering into sacred ground where I meet You in new and powerful ways. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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