EGF - Day 9
Day 9
Encountering God Through Scripture
"Jesus answered, 'It is written: "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that
comes from the mouth of God."' - Matthew 4:4
comes from the mouth of God."' - Matthew 4:4
In the harsh wilderness of Judea, after forty days of fasting, Jesus faced the tempter. His
physical body was at its weakest point—hungry, depleted, vulnerable. Yet in this moment
of extreme physical need, Jesus revealed a profound spiritual truth that transcends our
material existence: "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from
the mouth of God."
This declaration, quoted from Deuteronomy 8:3, wasn't merely a clever response to
Satan's temptation. It was a fundamental assertion about human existence and our need
for divine encounter through Scripture. Jesus was affirming that Scripture is not just
information about God—it is spiritual nourishment from God, as essential to our souls as
food is to our bodies.
What makes this moment particularly powerful is that Jesus himself—the Word made
flesh—relied on the written Word in his moment of trial. The Son of God, who had perfect
communion with the Father, still turned to Scripture as his defense and sustenance. If
Jesus needed and valued Scripture this deeply, how much more do we?
Throughout history, believers have discovered that Scripture is uniquely able to mediate
divine encounter. When we engage with the Bible, we're not simply reading ancient texts;
we're being addressed by the living God. The words on the page become the very words of God spoken into our particular circumstances, needs, and questions.
This is why many saints throughout church history have practiced lectio divina—a slow,
meditative reading of Scripture that creates space for God to speak. They understood that
Scripture is not merely to be analyzed or memorized but experienced as divine
communication that nourishes the soul.
Just as physical hunger drove Jesus to recall and rely on Scripture, our own experiences of
emptiness, struggle, and need can become invitations to encounter God through his Word.
When we face temptation, grief, confusion, or doubt, Scripture becomes not just a
handbook of principles but a meeting place with the Divine.
Like Jesus, we too live in a wilderness of sorts—a world that offers countless substitutes
for true spiritual nourishment. We're bombarded with messages that promise to satisfy our
deepest hunger but leave us spiritually malnourished. In this environment, Jesus' words
remind us that our souls require divine sustenance that no earthly bread can provide.
physical body was at its weakest point—hungry, depleted, vulnerable. Yet in this moment
of extreme physical need, Jesus revealed a profound spiritual truth that transcends our
material existence: "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from
the mouth of God."
This declaration, quoted from Deuteronomy 8:3, wasn't merely a clever response to
Satan's temptation. It was a fundamental assertion about human existence and our need
for divine encounter through Scripture. Jesus was affirming that Scripture is not just
information about God—it is spiritual nourishment from God, as essential to our souls as
food is to our bodies.
What makes this moment particularly powerful is that Jesus himself—the Word made
flesh—relied on the written Word in his moment of trial. The Son of God, who had perfect
communion with the Father, still turned to Scripture as his defense and sustenance. If
Jesus needed and valued Scripture this deeply, how much more do we?
Throughout history, believers have discovered that Scripture is uniquely able to mediate
divine encounter. When we engage with the Bible, we're not simply reading ancient texts;
we're being addressed by the living God. The words on the page become the very words of God spoken into our particular circumstances, needs, and questions.
This is why many saints throughout church history have practiced lectio divina—a slow,
meditative reading of Scripture that creates space for God to speak. They understood that
Scripture is not merely to be analyzed or memorized but experienced as divine
communication that nourishes the soul.
Just as physical hunger drove Jesus to recall and rely on Scripture, our own experiences of
emptiness, struggle, and need can become invitations to encounter God through his Word.
When we face temptation, grief, confusion, or doubt, Scripture becomes not just a
handbook of principles but a meeting place with the Divine.
Like Jesus, we too live in a wilderness of sorts—a world that offers countless substitutes
for true spiritual nourishment. We're bombarded with messages that promise to satisfy our
deepest hunger but leave us spiritually malnourished. In this environment, Jesus' words
remind us that our souls require divine sustenance that no earthly bread can provide.
How Jesus’ Temptation Shows We Encounter God Through Scripture:
1. Scripture is our defense against the enemy.
- Jesus didn’t rely on His emotions— He relied on God’s Word.
2. God’s Word sustains us.
- Jesus reminded Satan that real life comes from every word of God.
3. The enemy flees when we stand on truth.
- Satan couldn’t defeat Jesus because He was firmly rooted in Scripture.
1. Scripture is our defense against the enemy.
- Jesus didn’t rely on His emotions— He relied on God’s Word.
2. God’s Word sustains us.
- Jesus reminded Satan that real life comes from every word of God.
3. The enemy flees when we stand on truth.
- Satan couldn’t defeat Jesus because He was firmly rooted in Scripture.
Reflection Questions:
• How has Scripture been more than information to you—when has it become an
encounter with the living God?
• What practices help you move beyond merely reading the Bible to truly receiving it
as nourishment from God?
• In what areas of your life might you be trying to "live on bread alone" without the
sustaining word of God?
Father, thank You for speaking to me through Your written Word. Like Jesus in the
wilderness, help me to value Your Word as essential nourishment for my soul. When I am
tempted, strengthen me through Scripture. When I am confused, guide me through Your
truth. When I am empty, fill me with the bread of Your presence found in these pages.
Teach me to encounter You through Scripture not just as information to be learned but as
living words addressed to my heart. May Your Word become more precious to me than my
daily bread. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Posted in encounterfast
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