EGF - Day 8
Day 8
Encountering God through the Gospel
"While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message." - Acts 10:44
This single verse captures one of the most dramatic moments in the early church—a
moment when boundaries were broken, expectations shattered, and the power of the
gospel revealed itself in an unmistakable divine encounter.
Peter, a Jewish apostle, stood in the home of Cornelius, a Roman centurion—a Gentile.
This crossing of cultural, religious, and social barriers was unprecedented. As Peter
proclaimed the message of Jesus Christ, something extraordinary happened. Before he
could even finish his sermon, before any formal religious ritual could take place, the Holy
Spirit fell upon all who were listening.
This moment reveals a profound truth about encountering God through the gospel: The
message of Jesus Christ is not merely information to be understood but a divine catalyst
for supernatural encounter. The gospel creates the very conditions for God's presence to
break in.
Notice the timing—"while Peter was still speaking." The Holy Spirit didn't wait for Peter to
issue an altar call or lead them through a formal conversion process. The simple hearing of
the gospel message with receptive hearts was enough to usher in God's presence. The
gospel itself created the pathway for encounter.
For Cornelius and his household, this encounter with God through the gospel was
transformative. They began speaking in tongues and praising God, exhibiting the same
spiritual manifestations that the Jewish believers had experienced at Pentecost. Their lives
were forever changed not by adopting a new religion or philosophy, but by personally
encountering the living God through the message of Jesus Christ.
This story challenges our sometimes-mechanical approach to sharing the gospel. We may
think our role is merely to transfer information, hoping for intellectual agreement. But the
gospel is far more powerful—it is the means by which people directly encounter the living
God. When proclaimed faithfully, it carries within it the potential for immediate divine
It also reminds us that God's presence isn't confined to our religious structures, traditions,
or expectations. The Holy Spirit fell upon Gentiles who had not been circumcised, who
didn't observe Jewish law, who hadn't gone through any formal religious process. Their
qualification was simply their openness to the message of Jesus.
moment when boundaries were broken, expectations shattered, and the power of the
gospel revealed itself in an unmistakable divine encounter.
Peter, a Jewish apostle, stood in the home of Cornelius, a Roman centurion—a Gentile.
This crossing of cultural, religious, and social barriers was unprecedented. As Peter
proclaimed the message of Jesus Christ, something extraordinary happened. Before he
could even finish his sermon, before any formal religious ritual could take place, the Holy
Spirit fell upon all who were listening.
This moment reveals a profound truth about encountering God through the gospel: The
message of Jesus Christ is not merely information to be understood but a divine catalyst
for supernatural encounter. The gospel creates the very conditions for God's presence to
break in.
Notice the timing—"while Peter was still speaking." The Holy Spirit didn't wait for Peter to
issue an altar call or lead them through a formal conversion process. The simple hearing of
the gospel message with receptive hearts was enough to usher in God's presence. The
gospel itself created the pathway for encounter.
For Cornelius and his household, this encounter with God through the gospel was
transformative. They began speaking in tongues and praising God, exhibiting the same
spiritual manifestations that the Jewish believers had experienced at Pentecost. Their lives
were forever changed not by adopting a new religion or philosophy, but by personally
encountering the living God through the message of Jesus Christ.
This story challenges our sometimes-mechanical approach to sharing the gospel. We may
think our role is merely to transfer information, hoping for intellectual agreement. But the
gospel is far more powerful—it is the means by which people directly encounter the living
God. When proclaimed faithfully, it carries within it the potential for immediate divine
It also reminds us that God's presence isn't confined to our religious structures, traditions,
or expectations. The Holy Spirit fell upon Gentiles who had not been circumcised, who
didn't observe Jewish law, who hadn't gone through any formal religious process. Their
qualification was simply their openness to the message of Jesus.
How We Encounter God in Acts 10:44:
1. God’s Presence Moves When We Hear the Word.
- Peter was preaching, but it was God who moved. His Spirit fell as they
listened to the message of Jesus.
- When the Gospel is spoken, God is present.
2. Hearing the Word Opens Us to the Holy Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit didn’t wait for them to “get ready”—He came immediately as
they heard the Good News.
- God responds to hungry hearts.
3. God’s Power is for Everyone.
- These were Gentiles, and yet they received the Holy Spirit just like the
disciples did at Pentecost.
- Anyone who hears and believes can encounter God’s presence.
1. God’s Presence Moves When We Hear the Word.
- Peter was preaching, but it was God who moved. His Spirit fell as they
listened to the message of Jesus.
- When the Gospel is spoken, God is present.
2. Hearing the Word Opens Us to the Holy Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit didn’t wait for them to “get ready”—He came immediately as
they heard the Good News.
- God responds to hungry hearts.
3. God’s Power is for Everyone.
- These were Gentiles, and yet they received the Holy Spirit just like the
disciples did at Pentecost.
- Anyone who hears and believes can encounter God’s presence.
Reflection Questions:
• When was the last time you experienced the gospel not just as information but as a
pathway to encountering God?
• How might your approach to sharing the gospel change if you expected it to be a
catalyst for divine encounter?
• What religious expectations or traditions might be limiting your openness to how
God moves through the gospel?
Holy Spirit, thank You for the power of the gospel to bring people into direct
encounter with You. Help me to receive the good news of Jesus not merely as familiar
information but as the living Word that continues to create opportunities for fresh
encounters with Your presence. When I share this message with others, fill my words with
Your power so that they too might experience You while the message is still being spoken.
Break down any walls of tradition or expectation that might limit how I see You working
through the gospel. May I, like Cornelius and his household, remain open to Your
unexpected movements. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Holy Spirit, thank You for the power of the gospel to bring people into direct
encounter with You. Help me to receive the good news of Jesus not merely as familiar
information but as the living Word that continues to create opportunities for fresh
encounters with Your presence. When I share this message with others, fill my words with
Your power so that they too might experience You while the message is still being spoken.
Break down any walls of tradition or expectation that might limit how I see You working
through the gospel. May I, like Cornelius and his household, remain open to Your
unexpected movements. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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